Slash Commands

A slash command, also just called a command, is a command that you type within EverQuest. Almost all commands start with a slash (forward slash) - / - hence the name. A few chat-related commands start with a ; (semi colon).

Table of Contents

1 Tips
1.1 Shortening Commands
1.2 % Codes
1.3 NPC Names With Spaces
2 List of Slash Commands
2.1 General Commands
2.2 Chat Commands
2.3 Spell-related Commands
2.4 Emotes
2.5 Guild and Fellowship Commands
2.6 Pet Commands
2.7 Group, Raid and Task Commands
2.8 Leadership AA Commands
2.9 Window Toggle Commands
2.10 Bard Song Commands
2.11 Tracking Commands
2.12 Warrior Commands
2.13 Mercenary Commands
2.14 Video, Audio and User Inteface Commands
2.15 Social Media Commands
2.16 Voice Chat Commands
2.17 Game Services Commands
2.18 Test Server Commands
2.19 Beta Server Commands
2.20 GM Commands
2.21 Deprecated or Non-functional Commands


Shortening Commands

All commands can be shortened. It works for the most part by looking for the first match, sorted alphabetically, although exceptions exist. For example, if you type /s, the first matching command is /say. An example of a command that doesn't follow the rule of shortening alphabetically is /con, which matches /consent first, but actually performs the /consider command. Be careful that you don't execute a command unintentionally by shortening it incorrectly.

Two commands can be shortened in a special way. The /who command can be shortened to just / (forward slash), and /emote can also be written as : (colon).

All commands are case-insensitive, meaning that it doesn't matter if you type /who or /WHO.

% Codes

A few special codes can be used in commands to output a target (only really useful in commands that output to a chat).

/g Incoming with %t, kill %o! - will output: /g Incoming with a skeleton, kill it!

NPC Names With Spaces

When typing the name of an NPC in a command that accepts an NPC name as a parameter, use underscores (_) instead of spaces. For example:

/target a_skeleton

In the case of the /target command, you can also just type a part of the NPC's name, for example /target a_skel.

List of Slash Commands


General Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/afk [<str>] Toggles AFK (Away From Keyboard) status, causing AFK to appear near your name, and you to auto-reply to tells. If you supply a parameter, this custom message will be replied with. Type the command again to remove the AFK status.

/afk Making coffee
/aggro Description
/aggrolock Description
/alt activate <int> Activates (or casts) an AA. The parameter uniquely identifies the AA. You can find the parameters (called "alt activate codes") by typing /alt list and digging through the output, or view a full list of alt activate codes here.

/alt activate 47 - Activates the Shaman AA Cannibalization.
/alternateadv /alt (on [<int>] | off | list) Toggles AA experience on or off, or lists all your AAs with activation codes, cost and description.

/alt on - Turns AA experience on, to 100%.
/alt on 65 - Turns AA experience on, to 65%.
/alt off - Turns AA experience off (0%).
/alt list - Lists all your available AAs in the chat. May freeze your client for a few seconds, and will spam your chat log.
/anonymous /anon [(on | off)] Toggles anonymous status, hiding your class, level and guild in /who lists.
/assist /ass [(<str> {player/NPC name} | on | off | group | raid)] Assists a player or NPC, changing your current target to their target. Also toggles auto-attack on assist on or off.

/assist - Assists your current target.
/assist Zliz - Assists the player Zliz. Will fail if Zliz is too far away. /assist group - Assists the player in your group with the Main Assist role.
/assist raid - Assists the player in your raid delegated as the Main Assist (via Leadership AA).
/assist on - Toggles auto-attack on assisting on.
/assist off - Toggles auto-attack on assisting off.
/attack /att [(on | off)] Toggles auto-attack.
/autofire Toggles autofire of ranged attack, mostly used by Rangers for autofiring arrows.
/autoinventory /autoinv Puts the top-most item you are holding on your cursor in your inventory.
/autosplit /auto [(on | off)] Toggles auto-split. When auto-split is on, looted money will be split equally with your group.
/bandolier /band (add | delete | activate) <str> Operates on your bandolier.

/bandolier add 2HB - Adds a new bandolier set with the name '2HB', using the weapons you're currently wielding.
/bandolier delete 2HB - Deletes the bandolier set '2HB'.
/bandolier activate 2HB - Equips the bandolier set '2HB'. Weapons you're currently holding will drop to your inventory.

You can use the Bandolier Window to more easily perform these commands.
/blockspell (display | add | remove | clear) (me | pet) (<int> [<int> ...]) Sets one or more beneficial spells (buffs) to be blocked from being cast on you.

/blockspell add me 13 - Blocks the spell Complete Heal (ID 13) from being cast on you.
/blockspell add me 13 5522 - Blocks the spells Complete Heal (ID 13) and Voice of Clairvoyance (ID 5522) from being cast on you.
/blockspell remove me 13 - Removes the block of the spell Complete Heal (ID 13).
/blockspell add pet 13 - Blocks the spell Complete Heal (ID 13) from being cast on your pet.
/blockspell display - Outputs a list of blocked spells on you.
/blockspell display pet - Outputs a list of blocked spells on your pet.

To find the ID for a spell, search for a spell name on Lucy. The value of the "id" field in the query string is the number you need. For example, the URL for Complete Heal, the level 39 Cleric spell, is:

Spells can also be blocked by name via the Blocked Spells and Blocked Pet Spells windows.
/camp [server | desktop] Begins camping (logging out), either to the character selection screen (default), server selection screen, or to the desktop. Typing the command again while in the process of camping will cancel the camp.
/charinfo /char Outputs your bind point to chat. If different from your bind point, also outputs your home city (origin).
/consent (<str> {player name} | group | guild | raid) Grants a specific player or your group, guild or raid permission to drag your current corpses.
/consider /con Considers your current target. Read about consider messages, levels and color here.
/corpse /cor Drags a targeted corpse (either your own or a player who has given you consent) to your feet. If you have no target, it attempts to drag your own corpse.
/corpsedrag Starts constantly dragging a targeted corpse to your feet, as you move. You can use this command on up to two corpses at a time.
/corpsedrop After using the /corpsedrag command, use this command to stop dragging the targeted corpse.
/decaycorpse /decay Makes one of your own, targeted corpses disappear and ineligible for resurrection.
/decline After being challenged to a duel, use this command to decline it.
/deny (<str> {player name} | group | guild | raid) After using the /consent command, use this command to deny the player, group, guild or raid consent to drag your corpses.
/discipline /disc <str> {discipline name} Activates a discipline. The discipline name can be shortened.

/discipline Shaded Step Rk. II - Actives the Monk discipline named 'Shaded Step Rk. II'.
/dismount Dismounts you from a mount.
/doability /do <int> {1-10} Performs an "ability", meaning a skill you have mapped on the "Abilities" or "Combat Page" tabs of your Actions Window. Right-click one of the six buttons, choose a skill, and you can then perform it with this command. 1-6 performs skills from the Abilities tab, 7-10 (11 and 12 are not supported) performs skills from the Combat Page tab. Used for "old school" abilities such as Disarm, Flying Kick, Backstab, Forage, Sneak and many other that are not AA nor spell-based.

/doability 1 - Perform the ability in the first slot of your "Abilities" tab.
/doability 8 - Perform the ability in the second slot of your "Combat Page" tab.
/duel Description
/exit Description
/findpc Description
/follow Description
/friend Description
/friends Description
/guidehelp Description
/hail Description
/help Description
/hidecorpses Description
/hotbutton Description
/inspect Description
/keys Description
/lfg Description
/location Description
/log Description
/loot Description
/me Description
/motd Description
/mp3 Description
/offlinemode Description
/open Description
/outputfile Description
/pause Description
/pet Commands your pet. See section Pet Commands.
/played Description
/quit Description
/random Description
/report Description
/reveal Description
/rewind warp when stuck
/roleplay Description
/sit Description
/stand Description
/stopdisc Description
/stopsocial Description
/surname Description
/system Description
/target Description
/testcopy Description
/time Description
/toggleinspect Description
/url Description
/useitem Description
/veteranreward Description
/who / or /w Description
/whotarget Description
/www Description

Chat Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10 <str>
/announce /ann <str>
/auction /auc <str> Outputs to the auction chat in the zone, used for trading.
/autojoin <str> Sets one or more channels to be automatically joined upon logging in. Multiple channels can be specified, separated with commas.

/autojoin general - Sets autojoining of the 'general' chat channel.
/autojoin general, monkchat:password - Sets autojoining of the 'general' chat channel and the 'monkchat' channel with the password 'password'.
/autojoin serverwide.magician - Sets autojoining of the serverwide 'magician' chat channel.

Read more about chat channels here.
/channel auction | chat <str> | ooc | gsay | guildsay | say | tell <str> Sets a default chat channel to chat through every time you type something.

/channel ooc - Sets the default chat channel to ooc.
/channel tell Zliz - Sets the default chat channel to tells to Zliz.
/channel chat general - Sets the default chat channel to the 'general' chat channel.
/channel say - Sets the default chat channel to say (the default).
/chat <str> Superflous command that can be used in front of all chat-related commands.

/chat join general - Equal to /join general.
/clearallchat Description
/clearchat Description
/emote /em or : (colon) Description
/gsay /g Description
/guildsay Description
/ignore Description
/join Description
/language Description
/leave Description
/leaveall Description
/leaverealestate Exists a real estate (housing) zone.
/list Description
/msg See /tell.
/ooc Description
/reply Description
/rsay Description
/rtarget Description
/say Description
/send See /tell.
/shout Description
/tell Description
/ttell Description
/yell Description

Spell-related Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/book [<int> {1-90}] Toggles your spellbook, or opens your spellbook to a specified page.

/book - Toggles your spellbook open/closed.
/book 13 - Jumps to your spell book page 13, will open the book if it is not already open.
/cast <int> {1-12} Casts a spell in the specified spell slot.
/memspellset /mem (<int> | <str>) Memorizes a saved spell set, either by index (1-based) or by name.

/memspellset 2 - Memorizes your second saved spell set.
/memspellset buffing - Memorizes the spell set 'buffing'. Can be a partial (shortened) name.
/stopcast /stopc Interrupts your spell casting.
/targetgroupbuff See /tgb.
/tgb [(on | off)] Toggles "target other group buff" (TGB) functionality. With TGB on, you can cast group buffs on another player, and the buff will affect their group (plus yourself) instead of your own group.

/tgb - Turns TGB on.
/tgb on - Turns TGB on.
/tgb off - Turns TGB off.


Emotes make your character perform an animation (such as waving), as well as saying something in chat that nearby players can see.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/agree Description
/amaze Description
/apologize Description
/applaud Description
/bird Description
/bite Description
/bleed Description
/blink Description
/blush Description
/boggle Description
/bonk Description
/bored Description
/bounce Description
/bow Description
/brb Description
/burp Description
/bye Description
/cackle Description
/calm Description
/cheer Description
/chuckle Description
/clap Description
/comfort Description
/congratulate Description
/cough Description
/cringe Description
/cry Description
/curious Description
/dance Description
/drool Description
/duck Description
/eye Description
/fidget Description
/finger Description
/flex Description
/flipoff Description
/frown Description
/gasp Description
/gesture Description
/giggle Description
/glare Description
/grin Description
/groan Description
/grovel Description
/hail Description
/happy Description
/hug Description
/hungry Description
/introduce Description
/jk Description
/kneel Description
/laugh Description
/lost Description
/massage Description
/moan Description
/mourn Description
/nod Description
/nudge Description
/panic Description
/pat Description
/peer Description
/plead Description
/point Description
/poke Description
/ponder Description
/purr Description
/puzzle Description
/raise Description
/ready Description
/roar Description
/rofl Description
/rude Description
/salute Description
/shiver Description
/shrug Description
/sigh Description
/smack Description
/smile Description
/smirk Description
/snarl Description
/snicker Description
/stare Description
/tap Description
/tease Description
/thank Description
/thirsty Description
/veto Description
/wave Description
/welcome Description
/whine Description
/whistle Description
/yawn Description

Guild and Fellowship Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/fsay Description
/getguildmotd Description
/guildcreate Description
/guilddelete Description
/guilddemote Description
/guildinvite Description
/guildleader Description
/guildmotd Description
/guildpeace Description
/guildpromote Description
/guildremove Description
/guildsay Description
/guildstatus Description
/guildwar Description

Pet Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/pet as you were Description
/pet attack Description
/pet attack Description
/pet back off Description
/pet feign Description
/pet focus Description
/pet follow me Description
/pet get ale Description
/pet get lost Description
/pet guard here Description
/pet guard me Description
/pet health report Description
/pet hold Description
/pet kill Description
/pet notaunt Description
/pet no cast Description
/pet no taunt Description
/pet report health Description
/pet sit Description
/pet sit down Description
/pet stand Description
/pet stand up Description
/pet taunt Description
/pet who leader Description

Group, Raid and Task Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/addraidlooter Description
/compareexpedraid Description
/comparetaskraid Description
/decline Description
/disband Description
/dzaddplayer Description
/dzhelp Description
/dzlisttimers Description
/dzmakeleader Description
/dzplayerlist Description
/dzquit Description
/dzremoveplayer Description
/dzswapplayer Description
/groupleader Description
/grouproles Description
/invite Description
/kickplayers Description
/makeleader Description
/raidaccept Description
/raiddecline Description
/raidremove Description
/raidinvite Description
/removeraidlooter Description
/setloottype Description
/split Description
/taskaddplayer Description
/taskmakeleader Description
/taskplayerlist Description
/taskquit Description
/taskremoveplayer Description
/tasktimers Description

Leadership AA Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/clearmarks Clears any set marks on NPCs using /gmarknpc.
/gmarknpc /gmark <int> {1-3} Uses the Group Leadership AA 'Mark NPC'. Puts a mark of an NPC, one mark per rank.
/inspectbuffs Uses the Group Leadership AA 'Inspect Buffs'. Outputs a list of buffs on a targeted group member. With Rank 2, the timers on the buffs are also shown.
/marknpc See /gmarknpc.
/rmarknpc Uses the Raid Leadership AA 'Mark NPC'. Puts a mark of an NPC, one mark per rank.

Window Toggle Commands

These commands simply open or toggle a window open/closed. You can bind the functionality of most of these commands to keys instead in the Options Window.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality
/achievements /ach Toggles the Achievements Window.
/alarm Toggles the Alarm Window.
/barter Toggles the Barter Window.
/bazaar /baz Toggles the Bazaar Search Window.
/bodytint Toggles the Armor Dye Window.
/bugreport /bug Toggles the "Report a bug" Window.
/buyer Toggles the Barter Buyer Window. Only useable in The Bazaar.
/claim Opens the Claim Window.
/compare Toggles the Achievements Window, comparing your achievements to a targeted, nearby player.
/copylayout Opens the Copy [UI] Layout Window.
/facepick /face Opens the Set Appearance Window, allowing you to alter your face, hair, etc..
/feedback Opens the Send Feedback Window.
/filter Opens the Options Window, with the Filters tab active.
/gems Toggles the Gems Window.
/legendsofnorrath See /tcg.
/marketplace /market Toggles the Marketplace Window.
/mercwindows Toggles the Mercenary Window
/mp3 When used without parameters, opens the Music Player Window.
/note Opens the Notes Window.
/petition Opens the in-game browser pointed to SOE's EverQuest support website. Silver members only get to search the Knowledge Base, not create actual petitions.
/raidwindow /raidw Toggles the Raid Window.
/realestate /real (items | manage | plot | trophies) Toggles various windows related to housing and trophies.

/realestate items - Toggles the Real Estate Items Window.
/realestate manage - Toggles the Real Estate Management Window. Only useable within a house or plot.
/realestate plot - Toggles a window giving an overview of your current housing zone, showing plots and their owners. Only useable while in a housing neighborhood.
/realestate trophies - Toggles the Real Estate Trophies Window.
/tcg Opens the Legends of Norrath Window.
/trader Opens the Bazaar Vendor Window. Only useable in The Bazaar.
/welcomescreen Toggles the Welcome Window, via the built-in web browser.

Bard Song Commands

Commands only relevant to Bards.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/melody <int> [<int> ...] Begins a Bard "melody", which will continually loop a set of songs. The parameters refer to the casting slots the songs are in.

/melody 1 - Loops the song in slot 1.
/melody 1 2 3 - Loops the songs in slot 1, 2 and 3.
/melody 1 3 1 2 1 - Loops the songs in slot 1, 2 and 3 in the specified order.
/stopsong Interrupts whichever song the Bard is playing.

Tracking Commands

Commands only relevant to classes with the Tracking skill (Bards, Druids and Rangers).

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/stoptracking /stopt Ends a current Tracking, giving the message You have lost your tracking target.
/trackfilter /trackf (red | yellow | white | blue | lblue | green | gray) Toggles visibility of con colors in the Tracking window. Only available to Rangers.

/trackfilter yellow - Stops tracking yellow cons.
/trackplayers /trackp (on | off | group) Sets whether or not to track players, or only players in your group.
/tracksort /tracks (alpha | consider | distance | normal | ralpha | rconsider | rdistance) Sets the sorting of Tracking. Only available to Rangers.

Warrior Commands

Commands only relevant to Warriors.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/shield Begins shielding a targeted group member. Only available to level 30 or above Warriors.

Read more about the /shield command here.

Mercenary Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/mercassist [(on | off)] Toggles whether your mercenary auto-assists. With no parameter supplied, supposedly makes your mercenary actively assist you.
/merclog Generates a "mercenary logfile on the server". Unknown what this actually does.
/mercswitch [<int>] Switched to the specified mercenary (1-based index). With no parameter supplied, lists your available mercenaries.
/stance <str> {mercenary stance} Changes your mercenary's stance. For example, valid stances for tank mercenaries are: Aggressive, Assist and Passive.

Video, Audio and User Inteface Commands

These commands configure settings related to video, audio or the user interface. Most are available in the Options Window as well.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/chatfontsize Description
/combatmusic Description
/dopropertinting Description
/dynamiclights Description
/fastdrop Description
/fontface Description
/indicator turns on 3d target ring
/loadskin Description
/lootnodrop Description
/map Description
/mcicontrol Description
/mixahead Description
/mousespeed Description
/particledensity Description
/reversesound Description
/safelock Description
/shadows Description
/showgrass Description
/shownames Description
/showspelleffects Description
/usercolor Description
/viewport Description
/xtarget Description

Social Media Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/facebook Description
/fb Description
/share Description
/tweet Description
/twitter Description

Voice Chat Commands

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/voicechat /voice Description
/vplay Description
/vtell Description
/vgroup Description
/vraid Description

Game Services Commands

Commands that are related to services (usually paid) such as server transfers and race changes.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/racechange Description
/servertransfer Description
/setstartcity Description

Test Server Commands

Only functional on the Test server.

See also the /testcopy command.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/testbuffme /testbuff Description
/resetaa Description

Beta Server Commands

Only functional on Beta Testing servers. Untested.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/beta Makes your character a candidate to participate in Beta Testing of new content.
/betabuff <str> <int> Buffs a level 1 character to a certain class and level, as specified by the parameters. Only usable on a Beta Testing server.

/betabuff Wizard 60 - Makes you a level 60 Wizard.
/spellscribe beta only

GM Commands

Only usable by GMs and/or Guides. Untested, list is most likely incomplete and outdated.


Deprecated or Non-functional Commands

Commands that are either useless or do not seem to work properly, even though the game accepts them.

Command Abbr. Parameter Functionality and Example
/aclearcompare Description
/adriver Supposedly writes a file named 'adriver.txt' in your EverQuest directory with "Sound Card info". Doesn't seem to work.
/eqplayersupdate EQPlayers, does nothing?
/eqplayersguildupdate EQPlayers, does nothing?
/fullscreen Description
/invwinlabels toggles labels in Velious UI, does nothing now?
/paperdoll EQPlayers, does nothing
/resetwindows does nothing?
/reverb does nothing
/sdriver equal /adriver?
/shieldgroup Description

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