The locked door leading to the crypt in The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis).
Keys are either found as loot or rewarded from quests, and can be used to open certain doors, use teleports, activate elevators or enter a zone through a portal. Particularly in the old world, these locked objects require either an appropriate key or a Rogue or Bard with the Pick Lock (aka. Lockpicking) skill to open them. Some doors can only be opened with a key, some can only be opened with Pick Lock, and some can be opened by both methods.
Some keys have the Temporary flag, meaning they disappear shortly after logging out.
The importance of keys and locked doors in the game has diminished over the years and is non-existant in modern content, although many locked objects in the old world still require a key or lockpicking. Instead, hidden 'flags' (also called 'progression') saved per-character have taken the place of keys to determine where the player can go.
1 Finding and Using Keys
2 Keyring
3 Lockpicking
3.1 List of Doors that Require Lockpicking
3.2 List of Items that Increase Pick Lock Skill
4 Warping Through Doors
5 List of Keys
5.1 List of Keys With a Known Use
5.2 List of Obsolete Keys
5.3 List of Keys With No Known Use
5.4 List of Keys With No Known Source Nor Use
Keys are typically found either as loot on monsters or rewarded from a quest. An example of a dropped key is Shiny Metal Key which drops off The Guard Captain in Najena. An example of a key rewarded from a quest is Trakanon Idol, the key to The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis), which is rewarded from the quest Key to Sebilis.
In order to use a key on the door that it opens, which can also be an elevator, a teleport pad, or a portal of sorts that leads to another zone, pick up the key from your inventory, then left-click the door or portal. An alternative way of using a key, which is necessary in a few situations, is to pick up the key from your inventory, holding your cursor over the locked door, and then pressing the key bound to 'Use centerscreen' (Commands category, default key: U). This simulates left-clicking where your mouse cursor is. This is necessary to enter The Seventh Hammer's room in The Plane of Justice, using The Mark of Justice, to name an example.
Some keys can go on your keyring, meaning that the keys will be innate to your character and not require you to pick up and use the physical key every time. Once you've used a keyring-enabled key, you will get a message stating that the key "has been added to your key ring". Afterwards, you can destroy the key item and freely enter the locked door or zone without.
Use the /keys command to see which keys are currently on your keyring. You will get an output like this:
Sleeper's Key
Shrine Key
Key to the lower depths of the Ruins of Lxanvom.
A Stone Key
Bone Crafted Key - This key grants the holder access to the inner sanctum of New Paineel.
Hole Key - This key grants the holder access to the Ruins of Old Paineel.
Only some keys can go on the keyring, and they are typically keys that grant access to zones, for example Veeshan's Peak and Sleeper's Tomb. Very old keys such as the keys that unlock doors in Najena or The Plane of Sky island keys do not go on the keyring.
To add to the confusion, there can be entries on your keyring that do not stem from a physically obtained key. These are typically called progression flags, and are used in some expansions, such as The Planes of Power and Depths of Darkhollow.

The "locked" book in The Plane of Tranquility, which you can skill up Pick Lock on.
Pick Lock, or Lockpicking, is a Skill exclusive to Bards and Rogues. Bards receive the Pick Lock skill at level 10, Rogues at level 5. Bards cap at 335 skill, and can further increase it with the AA Steady Hands (Class tab), whereas Rogues cap at 352 skill. The maximum required skill to open any locked door is in the low 200's, which used to be balanced around the fact that only Rogues could surpass 200 skill, and Bards having less ability to open the highest level locked doors. These days, a high-level Bard can open what a Rogue can.
In order to use Pick Lock, the Bard or Rogue must buy a set of lockpicks. The basic set is Lockpicks, which can be bought from many different merchants. Gnomes with the Tinkering tradeskill can craft Mechanized Lockpicks, which give +2% Pick Lock skill (8 points maximum). Both work in the same manner: Pick up the set of lockpicks from your inventory, hold your cursor over the locked object, and left-click.
Pick Lock is fairly easy to skill up, as it just requires you to open a door that requires less skill than what you currently have. For example, if your skill is 50, you can practice to the maximum skill level on the first locked door in Befallen, which requires 11 skill.
A very easy opportunity for skilling up Pick Lock exists for players level 46 or above. Go to The Plane of Tranquility (accessed via the teleport stone in The Plane of Knowledge, requires level 46 to enter), and in the middle of the first room you arrive in is a stone table with a floating book (sometimes spinning) above it. This is a locked object and can be picked endlessly to skill up, and it requires no skill to attempt.
The following doors do not have corresponding keys and can only be opened by a Bard or Rogue with the appropriate Pick Lock skill:
Zone | Door Location | Skill | Notes |
The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis) | Door to "the crypt" (beneath pyramid with sebilite protector) | 200+ ? | |
The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis) | Outer door to Emperor Chottal's tomb, crypt | 200+ ? | |
The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis) | Door leading from juggernaut area to the inner sanctum of Trakanon | 200+ ? | Can be opened by clicking a firepot from the outside, but not from the inside without lockpicking |
Chardok | Door to Prince Selrach Di`zok's room | 200+ ? | |
Chardok | Door to safe passage leading to the library | 200+ ? | |
Chardok | Door from the library to Royal Sarnak Herbalist room | 200+ ? | |
The City of Mist | Door to Neh'Ashiir's room (platform floating above the zone) | 150 ? | |
Karnor's Castle | Various doors in the inner area | 212 ? | The locked doors can be bypassed by taking other routes |
Ssraeshza Temple | Two doors near the Shissar Assassin | 210 |
The following items have a modifier that increases the Pick Lock skill. Note that multiple equipped items do not stack; only the highest equipped skill mod takes effect. However, since the Mechanized Lockpicks are not really equipped, but used while on the cursor, its effect will stack with any equipped items.
- Mechanized Lockpicks - +2% (max 8)
- Cheirometric Lockpick Device - +3% (max 12), can also be used like a set of lockpicks
- Gloves of the Brood - +3% (max 12)
- Forhal's Gauntlets - +2% (max 8)
Physical doors that are locked can be bypassed using a glitch, which involves shifting the center of your character's hitbox, either by mounting or dismounting, by entering or removing an illusion, or growing using a spell.
In outdoor zones that allow mounting, the easiest method is to simply mount up, then dismount while running forwards against the door, facing it (slamming your head into it while running, so to speak). By dismounting, you are moved forwards a bit, allowing you to walk through the door.
Another method, which is necessary in dungeons where you can't mount, involves using an illusion spell that makes you larger. This is easiest for small race such as Gnomes for example. Walk up to the door, face against it as close as possible, and click or cast an enlargening illusion, then walk forwards through the door. By growing larger, your character's hitbox expands into the actual door, which then allows you to just walk forwards through it. This is a safety mechanism to prevent players from generally being stuck in the game world.
If you are already a large race and can't get an illusion that makes you even larger, use an illusion that makes you smaller. For example, an Ogre could use a Gnome or Skeleton illusion. Next, move up closely against the door, facing it. Now remove the illusion so that you grow into a large Ogre once again, and you will be able to walk through the door.
If you have no illusion items or spells, you can use a spell, potion or item with the Shrink spell. Shamans and Beastlords can cast this innately, but many other clickies or potions exist. Shrink and walk up to the door. Now camp and re-enter the game. All shrink effects are removed upon logging in, making you back to your original size and allowing you to walk through the door.
You can also use the Shaman Grow spell to achieve the effect.
A very handy illusion clickie that works for most races is Amulet of Necropotence, which is instant-cast.
Any key that does not appear on this list is not technically a key, even though its name and icon may indicate so. Examples of such items are Tarnished Bronze Key (used in a quest), Clockwork Key, and the shackle keys from Crushbone, such as Shackle Key 18, also used in quests.
The following keys have a known source and a confirmed use.
Hint: Click the table column headers to sortKey | Used in Zone | Use | Source | Keyring | Pickable | Type | Era | Notes |
Charred Bone Key | Befallen | Opens west door on the second level | Drop | No | Yes, 25 | Door | Classic | |
Smoked Glass Key | Befallen | Opens east door on the second level | Drop | No | Yes, 50 | Door | Classic | |
Splintered Wooden Key | Befallen | Opens the first locked door | Drop | No | Yes, 11 | Door | Classic | |
Bloodstained Key | Najena | Opens door to Drelzna's room | Drop | No | Yes, 45 | Door | Classic | |
Dull Bone Key | Najena | Opens door to Rathyl's room | Drop | No | Yes, 40 | Door | Classic | |
Golden Crescent Key | Najena | Opens door to Najena's room | Drop | No | Yes, 50 | Door | Classic | |
Guard's Keyring | Najena | Opens cell doors | Drop | No | Yes, 25 | Door | Classic | |
Shiny Metal Key | Najena | Opens door to room before Rathyl's room | Drop | No | Yes, 40 | Door | Classic | |
Avian Key | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 5 (spiroc island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of Beasts | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 4 (pegasus island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of Misfortune | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 3 (harpie island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of Scale | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 7 (drake island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of Swords | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 1.5 (Noble Dojorn island) | Quest/Merchant | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of the Misplaced | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 2 (azarack island) | Quest/Merchant | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Key of the Swarm | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 6 (bee island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Veeshan's Key | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to island 8 (Veeshan's island) | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | Classic | |
Veeshan's Key | The Plane of Sky | Teleport to quest room | Merchant | No | No | Teleport | Classic | |
Key | Cabilis East | Opens door to Half Elf Maiden | Ground spawn | No | ? | Door | Kunark | |
Bone Crafted Key | Paineel | Operates elevator to the city of Paineel | Quest | Yes | Yes, 60 | Elevator | Kunark | |
A Stone Key | The City of Mist | Opens door to the castle throne room | Drop | Yes | Yes, 150 | Door | Kunark | |
Key of Torsis | The City of Mist | Operates elevator behind the castle throne room | Drop | No | Yes, 150 | Elevator | Kunark | |
Key to Charasis | The Overthere | Entering The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Kunark | Unnecessary if player is level 46 or above |
Cipher of Veeshan | The Skyfire Mountains | Entering Veeshan's Peak | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Kunark | Unnecessary if player is level 55 or above |
Cipher of Veeshan | The Skyfire Mountains | Entering Veeshan's Peak | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Kunark | Unnecessary if player is level 55 or above |
Droga Jail Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens all jail gates and cell doors | Drop | No | Yes? | Door | Kunark | |
Trakanon Idol | Trakanon's Teeth | Entering The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Kunark | Unnecessary if player is level 46 or above |
Jaled Dar's Tomb Key | Dragon Necropolis | Opens door to Jaled Dar`s shade | Quest | No | No | Door | Velious | |
Sleeper's Key | Eastern Wastes | Entering The Sleeper's Tomb (Kerafyrm's Lair) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Velious | |
Shrine Key | Skyshrine | Entering Cobaltscar (Cobalt Scar) | Quest | Yes | No | Group zone enter | Velious | |
Bone finger key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 5th to 6th floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Crystal Key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 1st to 2nd floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | |
Frosty key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 3rd to 4th floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Large metal key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 6th to 7th floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Small rusty key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 4th to 5th floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Three Toothed Key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 2nd to 3rd floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Tserrina's Key | The Tower of Frozen Shadow | Teleport from 1st to 7th floor | Drop | Yes | No | Group in-zone TP | Velious | Also grants access to all floors below |
Grieg's Key | Grieg's End | Opens door to teleport pad leading to Grieg Veneficus | Drop | No | No | Door | Luclin | |
Fabled Ring of the Shissar | Ssraeshza Temple | Teleport to Emperor Ssraeshza's room | Combine | Yes | No | In-zone TP | Luclin | |
Ring of the Shissar | Ssraeshza Temple | Teleport to Emperor Ssraeshza's room | Combine | Yes | No | In-zone TP | Luclin | |
Zazuzh's Key | Ssraeshza Temple | Opens door to Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune | Drop | Yes | ? | Door | Luclin | |
Zherozsh's Key | Ssraeshza Temple | Opens door to area with High Priest and Xerkizh the Creator | Drop | Yes | ? | Door | Luclin | |
Hollow Acrylia Obelisk | The Acrylia Caverns | Entering the inner caverns | Quest | Yes | ? | In-zone TP | Luclin | |
The Scepter of Shadows | The Umbral Plains | Entering Vex Thal | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | Luclin | |
North Tower Key | Vex Thal | Opens door to north tower | Drop | Yes | No | Door | Luclin | |
North Wing Key | Vex Thal | Opens door to the north wing | Drop | Yes | Yes | Door | Luclin | |
Palace Key | Vex Thal | Opens door to the palace | Drop | Yes | No | Door | Luclin | |
Gryme's Crypt Key | The Plane of Disease | Opens door to Grummus's room | Drop | Yes | ? | Door | PoP | |
Gem-Etched Key | The Plane of Earth (Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands) | Opens door to the caves | Drop | No | ? | Door | PoP | |
The Mark of Justice | The Plane of Justice | Teleport to The Seventh Hammer's room | Quest | No | No | In-zone TP | PoP | |
Bangle of Disease Warding | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering The Crypt of Decay (Ruins of Lxanvom) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | PoP | Alternative to progression. Unnecessary if player is level 55 or above |
Completed Diaku Emblem | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering Drunder, the Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | PoP | Alternative to progression. Unnecessary if player is level 57 or above |
Quintessence of Elements | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering The Plane of Time | Combine | Yes | No | Zone enter | PoP | Unnecessary if player is level 62 or above |
Ring of Marr | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering The Halls of Honor | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | PoP | Alternative to progression. Unnecessary if player is level 57 or above |
Symbol of Torment | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering Torment, the Plane of Pain (Plane of Torment) | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | PoP | Alternative to progression. Unnecessary if player is level 55 or above |
Time Phased Quintessence | The Plane of Tranquility | Entering The Plane of Time | Drop | No | No | Zone enter | PoP | Unnecessary if player is level 62 or above |
A Crystalline Globe | The Plane of Valor | Opens door to Aerin`Dar's lair | Quest | No | No | Door | PoP | |
A Screaming Sphere | Torment, the Plane of Pain (Plane of Torment) | Opens door to Saryrn's tower | Quest | Yes | No | Door | PoP | |
Sliver of the High Temple | Any zone adjacent to Kod'taz | Entering Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | GoD | |
Axtekilitek | Ikkinz: Trial of Glorification | Open door at the bottom of the ramp | Combine | No | No | Door | GoD | |
Kruxilitek | Ikkinz: Trial of Glorification | Open door behind Sentinel of Glorification | Combine | No | No | Door | GoD | |
Cipher of Txevu | Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling | Entering Txevu, Lair of the Elite | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | GoD | |
A Harshly Spiked Key | Tipt, Treacherous Crags | Opens final door | Drop | No | ? | Door | GoD | |
Jade Inlaid Key | Txevu, Lair of the Elite | Opens door to the raid boss Zun`Muram Tkarish Zyk | Drop | Yes | No | Door | GoD | |
Polished Stone Key | Txevu, Lair of the Elite | Opens door to the raid boss High Priest Nkosi Bakari | Drop | No | No | Door | GoD | |
Zun'Muram's Signet of Command | Txevu, Lair of the Elite | Starts Raid Expedition: Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver | Drop | Yes | No | Raid instance | GoD | |
Seal: Mastery of All | Wall of Slaughter | Entering Raid Expedition: Asylum of Anguish | Drop | Yes | No | Raid instance | OoW | |
Dreadspire Crest | Dreadspire Keep | Opens eastern door in the southeastern-most guest room | Drop | No | ? | Door | DoD | |
Monocle of Blood | Dreadspire Keep | Entering Raid Expedition: Demiplane of Blood | Quest | Yes | No | Raid instance | DoD | |
Formal Dinner Invitation | Stoneroot Falls | Entering Dreadspire Keep | Drop | Yes | No | Zone enter | DoD | |
Treddlehoop's Wonderful Monoculor Seeing Device | The Hive | Entering Dreadspire Keep | Quest | Yes | No | Zone enter | DoD | |
Carved Wooden Key | Raid Task: The Corruption of Ro | Grants access to the top of the Tunare's Shrine | Drop | Yes | No | In-zone TP | PoR | |
Enraged Flesh Charm | The Devastation | Entering Raid Expedition: Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek | Quest | No | No | Raid instance | PoR | |
Key of Flame | Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale | Opens gate in the north lava room | Drop | No | No | Door | TSS | |
Combine Signet Ring | Katta Castrum | Entering Solteris, the Throne of Ro | Quest | No | No | Zone enter | TBS | |
Inner Palisade Key | Various TBS instances | Opens inner fort doors | Drop | No | ? | Door | TBS | |
Palisade Key | Various TBS instances | Opens outer fort doors | Drop | No | ? | Door | TBS | |
Tower Key | Korafax | Entering Raid Expedition: Citadel of the World Slayer | Quest | Yes | No | Raid instance | SoD |
The following keys once had a use, but are no longer required, as the doors or teleports they activated have since been opened for everyone.
Hint: Click the table column headers to sortKey | Used in Zone | Previous Use | Source | Keyring | Type | Era | Notes |
Hole Key | Paineel | Open the stone "door" leading to The Hole (The Ruins of Old Paineel) | Merchant | Yes | Door | Kunark | Stone "door" is no longer locked |
Sacred Key | The Hole (The Ruins of Old Paineel) | Opens any locked door | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | Doors are no longer locked |
Broken Sacrificial Blade | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the south wing | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Coin Depicting Innoruuk | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the east wing | Ground spawn | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Hand of Glory | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens any locked door in the zone | Drop | Yes | Door | Kunark | Doors are no longer locked |
Sacrificial Robe Clasp | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the the Crypt Keeper's room in the north wing | Ground spawn | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Sigil of the Calendar | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the west wing | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Skull-engraved Coin | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the the Skeletal Procurate's room in the west wing | Ground spawn | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Tallow-marked Candle | The Howling Stones (Charasis) | Opens door to the north wing | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | Door is no longer locked |
Key of Veeshan | The Skyfire Mountains | Entering Veeshan's Peak | Quest | Yes | Zone enter | Kunark | Key to the first incarnation of the zone, since revamp now used in quest for the new key (Cipher of Veeshan) |
A Bone Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens inner pen door | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
A Bone Necklace | The Temple of Droga | Opens outer pen door | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
A Bronze Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens Pen 4 (Cell with Argest) | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
A Steel Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens Pen 3 (Cell with pitfall) | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
A Stone Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens Pen 1 (Cell with Stupendous Machine) | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
An Iron Key | The Temple of Droga | Opens Pen 2 (Cell with broken door) | Drop | No | Door | Kunark | No longer drops since revamp of the zone |
Enchanted Ring of Torden | Bastion of Thunder (Torden, The Bastion of Thunder) | Accessing the four towers | Quest | Yes | In-zone TP | PoP | No longer needed, anyone can enter the towers |
Symbol of Torden | Bastion of Thunder (Torden, The Bastion of Thunder) | Teleports your group to Agnarr the Storm Lord's tower | Quest | No | In-zone TP | PoP | No longer needed, anyone can teleport |
Wind Etched Key | The Plane of Air (Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind) | Teleports your group to Xegony's island | Quest | No | In-zone TP | PoP | No longer needed, anyone can teleport |
An Earth-Infused Crystal | The Plane of Earth (Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands) | Entering "Plane of Earth B" | Drop | Yes | In-zone TP | PoP | Key requirements of the zone changed |
An Eroded Passkey | The Plane of Earth (Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands) | Entering "Plane of Earth B" | Drop | Yes | In-zone TP | PoP | Key requirements of the zone changed |
The following keys have no known use as keys. Some keys are technically categorized as keys (itemtype = 33) by what appears to be a mistake. Some are used in quests, and have with 99% certainty no use, but who knows?
Hint: Click the table column headers to sortKey | Source | Era | Notes |
Cracked Glass Key | Drop | Classic | Most likely an ancient remnant of doors once being locked in The Estate of Unrest |
Polished Brass Key | Drop | Classic | Most likely an ancient remnant of doors once being locked in The Estate of Unrest |
Scuffed Silver Key | Drop | Classic | Most likely an ancient remnant of doors once being locked in The Estate of Unrest |
Small Stone Key | Drop | Classic | Most likely an ancient remnant of doors once being locked in The Estate of Unrest |
T.O.L. 2020 | Quest | Classic | Used in a quest |
Arx Key | Quest | Luclin | Teleport clickie and used in a quest |
Fabled Ssraeshzian Insignia | Drop | Luclin | Untested, but most likely the same use as Ssraeshzian Insignia |
Fabled Zazuzh's Idol | Drop | Luclin | Untested, but most likely the same use as Zazuzh's Idol |
Ssraeshzian Insignia | Drop | Luclin | Used in a quest |
Zazuzh's Idol | Drop | Luclin | Used in a quest |
Rough-hewn Shackle Key | Drop | OoW | Used in a quest |
Shar Vahl Cell Key | Drop | OoW | Used in a quest |
Portion of a Coldain Historical Seal | Quest | PoR | Used in a quest |
Portion of a Coldain Historical Seal | Quest | PoR | Used in a quest |
Portion of a Coldain Historical Seal | Quest | PoR | Used in a quest |
The following keys have been data mined, but have no known source nor use.
Hint: Click the table column headers to sortKey | Notes |
Ancient Tarnished Key | |
Key to Sebilis | Not the key to The Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis) |
Key to Veeshan's Peak | Not the key to Veeshan's Peak |
Nathyn's Study Key |