If any information in this page is speculative or based upon a rumor, it has been labeled as such. It is my hope that this page can answer every question for the future about this fascinating zone.
Where possible, all maps not created by myself have been labeled as to their original source
Corrections and additions are most welcome!
Questions/Comments: drexxell@ymail.com
Initial data collected between Nov 2005 and Jan 2006
2006 Jan 21 - Initial draft complete
2006 Jan 31 - Updated (Confirmed behavior of "Alter Plane: Sky" in Plane of Sky itself)
2006 Feb 08 - Lots of updates:
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![]() | Note, there was a 3rd merchant during the Froglok occupation of Gukta/Grobb named "Scribe Zibby", but upon the Troll re-taking of Gukta this merchant was not re-located to the Rathe Mountains with the rest of the Froglok population and is assumed dead and gone. The wizard casting the spell must be in the group of players who wish to be taken to Plane of Sky. Therefore, if you're trying to get a raid party up to this plane, you'll only be able to come 5 at a time. There is a RUMOR that an NPC will send you to the Plane of Sky if you give them the stone. This rumor is probably based on the FACT that such an NPC (Relm M'Loch in Plane of Tranquility) was introduced for the Plane of Hate in 2005. However, no such NPC for the Plane of Sky has been found as of 11/28/2005. |
The Plane of Sky is a vast void of emptiness (a "sky") filled with a few floating rocky islands. It is upon these islands that actual hunting takes place. A few of the islands are connected by giant chains, and some of the islands have a chain simply dangling straight down. These chains give the impression that the islands were all "linked together" at one time, but perhaps time and decay have deterioriated them. See the picture at right.
Each island is unique in its size, monsters and treasure. Also, for the most part, traveling between islands is done in a very fixed order using a series of keys (more on that later). Because of this, the islands are often given a specific number (their key order) or nickname (based on the monsters on the island) in many online write-ups. A similar format has been followed here, though with an acknowledgement of the variety of nicknames and numbering schemes used over the years.
As far as can be determined, every island except one is solid, and the actual playing of EQ takes place on the top surface of the islands. Island #1 has a hollowed out room below the surface of the island itself. More on that in the description of Island #1 and Room #1a.
A word about the Windmills
There are three windmills in the Plane of Sky (Islands 1.5, 4 and 8). Oddly enough, these are also exactly the same islands which are part of the Hand of Veeshan spawn-cycle (Kill Noble Dojorn on 1.5 to spawn Overseer of Air on 4; Kill Overseer of Air on Island 4 to spawn The Hand of Veeshan on 8). The windmills have two moving components. The first are the actual windmill blades themselves which may or may not be spinning at any given time. If left to their own devices, the pattern of whether or not any given windmill's blades are spinning has not yet been determinable. The second moving component is the vertical axle inside the windmill. In all cases observed thus far, if left to their own devices, the vertical axle will always be spinning. There has not been any observed correlation between motion of the blades and motion of the axle.
It just so happens that both the blades and the axle are clickable. In the case of the blades, you have to be able to reach them (which isn't always possible). In the case of the axles, they are easily reachable by anyone. If you click an axle, it will stop spinning for about 22 seconds, and then start again. If, by chance, you manage to click on the blades of a windmill, they will stop for a length of time that exceeds a few minutes (exact time has not yet been determined).
What is the point of all this? Unknown. Clicking either the axle or the blades of a windmill seems to have no function besides stopping the motion. Although the windmills are on the same islands as The Hand of Veeshan spawn-cycle, and the mobs in that spawn cycle appear at the doorways of their respective windmills, no further connection is known. Is there more to this, or are the blades and axles simply put in there for our amusement? Any confirmed information is welcome. Going over the edge of an island
Because levitation does not work and because gravity does work, it is imperative that you not accidentally go over the edge of an island during a hunt! One of three things will occur to a player who goes over the edge of an island:
Firstly, here are a few ways that you can not get around Plane of Sky:
Your choices for getting between each floating rocky island are obviously severely limited. You basically have 4 choices:
Because these last two options are complicated, they will be explained in their own sections, below.
Find below an overview map of the Plane of Sky. There is reference to jumps and keys on the map, both of which are described below. Also later on this page will be an island-by-island breakdown, with a close-up map of each island as we go.
How to leave the Plane of Sky
At this time, there are only three known ways to leave the Plane of Sky:
An old one-liner about skydivers goes: "Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?". Truer words could hardly be spoken about those intrepid fools known as island-jumpers.
There are very few reasons I can think of to jump from one island to another in the Plane of Sky. I have read numerous "guides" to the Plane of Sky that talk about pulling mobs from Island 4 to Island 3 using a pull-jumper, but in this day of level 70 characters, it makes far more sense to simply take on each island as it stands without relying on island jumping, especially considering the following restrictions:
Having said all that, here are the logistics of island-jumping. First, you need a way to survive the fall (20,000 hp of damage). Then you need to know just three things:
Each of the four potential jumps for this zone are outlined below. Jump 1: Island 4 to Island 3
Status: CONFIRMED [11/28/2005]
Status: CONFIRMED [12/21/2005]
Status: CONFIRMED [12/05/2005]
Status: CONFIRMED [12/12/2005]
The following table shows the research performed to confirm the various island-to-island jumps possible in this zone. Successful hits are highlit in yellow.
From | To | Race | Speed | Run-up | Precaution | Result | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 50 feet | Harmshield | Missed island | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2 | Gnome | SoW, unencumbered | 50 feet | Harmshield | STILL Missed island!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2 | Gnome | SoW, unemcumbered with a 150 feet | Harmshield | Hit island, survived and managed to use key to telepad to Island 3 before Harmshield dropped. Did NOT aggro Azaracks (or if I did, they didn't follow to island 3) |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 4 | 3 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 50 feet | None | Hit island, died upon impact | 4 | 3 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 10 feet | None | Missed island | 4 | 3 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 50 feet | Harmshield | Hit island safely! |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 6 | 5 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 50 feet | Harmshield | Hit island safely! (But was Cazic-Touched by the Spiroc Lord which went through my Harmshield) |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 7 | 2 | Vah Shir | Run3, unencumbered | 50 feet | Invulnerability | Hit island safely! (Was currently empty of mobs) | 7 | 2 | Froglok | Run3, unencumbered | 0 feet | Nothing | Hit island and took 20,000 hp damage and died | 7 | 2 | Gnome | Normal, unencumbered | 0 feet | Harmshield | Hit island, survived and managed to use key to telepad to Island 3 before Harmshield dropped. Did NOT aggro Azaracks (or if I did, they didn't follow to island 3) | |
The primary method of moving around the Plane of Sky is via a set of keys that must be acquired by the adventurers. As a general rule, acquisition of the keys follows this recipe:
The Nature of the Keys:
The following table outlines the appropriate information to apply the above recipe and acquire keys:
From | To | Key Loot | Key Loot Mob(s) | Boss Mob | Trade For / Key Name (Max # Possible per Raid) | Identifies as... | If available from Key Master, how much is it? |
1 | 1a | N/A | N/A | N/A | ![]() (Infinite) | "Key of Misfortune" (Seriously!) | 1 cp |
1 | 1.5 | ![]() | a thunder spirit (8 x 3 ea) | a thunder spirit princess | ![]() (24/raid) | "Key of Swords" | 210 pp |
1 | 2 | ![]() | a thunder spirit (8 x 3 ea) | a thunder spirit princess | ![]() (24/raid) | "Key of the Misplaced" | 105 pp |
1.5 | 2 | ![]() | a thunder spirit (8 x 3 ea) | a thunder spirit princess | ![]() (24/raid) | "Key of the Misplaced" | 105 pp NOTE: You must get this key from Island 1!!! |
2 | 3 | ![]() | an azarack (9 x 1-3 ea) Protector of Sky (1 x 4) | Protector of Sky | ![]() (13-31/raid) | "Key of Misfortune" (Note that the 1cp "Veeshan's Key" from Island 1 also identifies as "Key of Misfortune"). | N/A |
3 | 4 | ![]() | a gorgalask (4 x 1 ea) a spirited harpie (4 x 1 ea) a crystalline cloud (3 x 1 ea) a watchful guard (5 x 1 ea) a gust of wind (2 x 1 ea) an avenging gazer (1 x 1 ea) Heart Harpie (1 x 1 ea) Gorgalosk (1 x 4 ea) | Gorgalosk | ![]() (24/raid) | "Key of Beasts" | N/A |
4 | 5 | ![]() | an essence harvester (3 x 4 ea) a soul carrier (3 x 4 ea) | Keeper of Souls | ![]() (24/raid) | "Avian Key" | N/A |
5 | 6 | ![]() | Spiroc Vanquisher (3 x 8 ea) | The Spiroc Lord | ![]() (24/raid) | "Key of the Swarm" | N/A |
6 | 7 | ![]() | Bzzazzt (3 x 8 ea) Bazzt Zzzt (1 x 2 ea) | Bazzt Zzzt | ![]() (26/raid) | "Key of Scale" | N/A |
7 | 8 | ![]() | A heartsbane drake (5 x 1 ea) a fatestealer drake (5 x 1 ea) a windrider drake (5 x 1 ea) greater sphinx (7 x 1 ea) Sister of the Spire (1 x 2 ea) | Sister of the Spire | ![]() (24/raid) | "Veeshan's Key" (Note that this difference in Identify is the only way to tell the difference from the "Veeshan's Key" you buy on Island 1, without actually trying to use them on a telepad.) | N/A |
The following graphic shows a basic overview of how to get around, and what sort of aggression to expect when you arrive.
There are exceptions and precautions that one must understand before blindly applying the above recipe, however:
A lot has been and can be said about Sirran, but here are the basic facts as confirmed by direct evidence.
Sirran will have various conversations with you island by island. Because Sirran's conversations seem to flow together, I've put them all here, rather than on their individual islands.
However, before going through his non-aggressive text, let's see what Sirran has to say if he's ever irritated into attacking.
Island 6 is special. Sirran behaves in an even more radical fashion than usual, and of special note, dealing with him appropriately is required to get the Boss of Island 7 to spawn (which, obviously, then means that getting the key from 7 to 8 requires dealing with Sirran properly here on 6).
For a complete analysis of why you are to have the conversations (below), please see my "Am I one with the wall?" page.
This island sits neatly in the middle of the zone (LOC 0,0,0 seems to be on this island). It has no mobs, no telepad, no structures. It is impossible to jump to it from another island. RUMOR has it that if there are any Plane of Sky zone issues, that a GM enters the zone on this island to sort them out. Little else can be said about this island. For the purposes of elucidation (or teasing), the following views of the island are provided:
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It's where you first arrive. A peaceful island with non aggressive fairy like creatures and the only vendor in the zone (see right). There are no structures, but the Quest Room (#1a) is 90 feet below you within the island. Note that while room #1a is treated separately from Island #1 the mobs are near one another. This yields the following warning:
As it so happens, the peaceful quest-giving Efreeti in Room #1a will be hit by Area-of-Effect spells cast on the surface of Island #1 and they will rise up to the surface of the Island and attack you! Aside from this strange circumstance, the mobs of Island #1 and Room #1a are totally independent and will be treated as such through the rest of this write-up.
Just Passing Through
As the mobs aren't aggressive, you may simply use your key to telepad to Quest room #1a, Island #1.5 or Island #2. However, since the mobs on Island 2 are aggressive, it's best to go invisible first if telepadding to Island #2.
Farming Keys
The key loot of interest are called "Lost Rabbit's Foot" and "Miniature Sword" and drop 3 (each) at a time off of "a thunder spirit". As such, 24 total keys (of both types) may be gotten from this island. The assist range of each Thunder Spirit is quite small. As such, farming keys becomes a simple matter of moving around the perimeter of the island, killing one static Thunder Spirit at a time and looting what is needed. Note that 2 keys are farmed on this island. The first ("Miniature Sword" for "Key of Swords") is to telepad from Island 1 to Island 1.5. The second ("Lost Rabbit's Foot" for "Key of the Misplaced") is to telepad from Island 1 to Island 2. This is the only island where you farm 2 keys. Once you have looted enough "Key Loot", you can simply move on to the thunder spirit princess herself, and kill her to spawn Sirran. This is allowable even if you haven't killed all of the thunder spirits, since they aren't close enough to come help the princess, thus Sirran should see no aggressive mobs to aid when he spawns.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a thunder spirit | 8 | Static (see map) | No | Yes with tiny radius | No | 50 | 14,000 | 160 | proc "Choke" (-10 STR, DoT 20/tick) | 4 hours | No | Yes(3 & 3) | a thunder spirit princess | 1 | Static (see map) | No | Yes with tiny radius | No | 53 | 20,000 | 200 | proc "Choke" (-10 STR, DoT 20/tick) | 4 hours +/- small random amount | Yes, see below. | No | Key Master | 1 | Static (see map) | No | No | No | 53 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | Yes, see below | No | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Any of the Efreeti from Room #1a | 1 | From Room #1a | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | Aggro: |
Sirran the Lunatic (Island 1 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "a thunder spirit princess" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "a thunder spirit princess" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
This is a 2-room area located inside Island #1, about 90 feet below the surface. Non-aggressive mobs (efreeti) fill the back room, and one non-aggressive human is in the front room. The trip to this quest room is one-way: once you telepad here, your only way out is to jump, unless you've brought a Wizard with you to cast "Alter Plane: Sky", which will work to take you up to the surface of Island 1.
Getting/Completing Quests
Most people visit this room to do turn-ins for Plane of Sky quests. While mostly out-of-date by 2005's standards (the difficulty vs. payoff ratio stinks on most of them), they are still required sub-quests for many classes to complete their epic 1.0 quests.
The basic way to get a quest is as follows:
If you're unfamiliar with the quests, you'll have to go through the above mechanism to learn what the quest items are, even without any notice of what reward you will get. Collect the three items, return to the quest room, go through the same process of spawning the quest-giver, and turn in the items for your reward.
A word about the text in the quests: I found that many of the Efreet and the quest-givers are highly sensitive to the exact wording needed to go through the motions of giving the quest. Further guides may include this information, but basically some carefully worded responses will get the right results.
Although it's not recommended, one can take on the efreeti in this room for XP, but they will yield no lootable items. They assist one another, so unless you want to take on 14 at a time, you'll want to either have crowd control or else de-spawn some of them. You can de-spawn the efreeti by hailing them and going through the motions of having them spawn their "quest givers". Aside from 3 of them, the efreeti will all de-spawn themselves after spawning their quest giver, and their quest givers will despawn themselves after about 10 minutes. This is a nice way to clear the room down to a manageble size. The three efreeti who don't despawn after summoning one of their quest givers WILL despawn after they summon BOTH of their quest givers though.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. There is no "Boss" of the Quest Room.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | What quests? | Cilin Spellsinger | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Bard | Dason Goldblade | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Paladin | Drakis Bloodcaster | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Necromancer | Enchanter Jolas | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Enchanter | Holwin | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Monk | Josin Faithbringer | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Cleric | Kihun Solstin | 1 | Corner of the front room | No | No | No | 61 | ?? | ?? | ?? | (Magician epic quest mob) | Magus Frinon | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Magician | Medicine Man Veetra | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Shaman | Ranger Spirit | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Ranger | Sarkis Ebonblade | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Shadowknight | Strandar Pinemist | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Druid | Thalik Silenthand | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Rogue | Torgon Blademaster | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Warrior | Wizard Schrock | 1 | Along wall of back room | No | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 500 | ?? | Wizard | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this room?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | How to spawn / aggro | Falorn | 1 | Next to Torgon Blademaster | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Torgon Blademaster's prompts | Ogog | 1 | Next to Torgon Blademaster | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Torgon Blademaster's prompts | Rayne | 1 | Next to Thalik Silenthand | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Thalik Silenthand's prompts | Kendrick | 1 | Next to Thalik Silenthand | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Thalik Silenthand's prompts | Gragrot | 1 | Next to Sarkis Ebonblade | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Sarkis Ebonblade's prompts | Tynicon DLin | 1 | Next to Sarkis Ebonblade | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Sarkis Ebonblade's prompts | Gregori Lightbringer | 1 | Next to Dason Goldblade | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Dason Goldblade's prompts | Dirkog Steelhand | 1 | Next to Dason Goldblade | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Dason Goldblade's prompts | Will Treewalker | 1 | Next to Strandar Pinemist | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Strandar Pinemist's prompts | Fenalla Moonshadow | 1 | Next to Strandar Pinemist | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Strandar Pinemist's prompts | Neasin Leornic | 1 | Next to Wizard Schrock | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Wizard Schrock's prompts | Abec Ianor | 1 | Next to Wizard Schrock | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Wizard Schrock's prompts | Frederic Calermin | 1 | Next to Magus Frinon | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Magus Frinon's prompts | Roanis Elindar | 1 | Next to Magus Frinon | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Magus Frinon's prompts | Lelulean | 1 | Next to Enchanter Jolas | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Enchanter Jolas's prompts | Enderbite | 1 | Next to Enchanter Jolas | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Enchanter Jolas's prompts | Dugaas Helpyre | 1 | Next to Drakis Bloodcaster | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Drakis Bloodcaster's prompts | Jzil GSix | 1 | Next to Drakis Bloodcaster | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Drakis Bloodcaster's prompts | Ton Po | 1 | Next to Holwin | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Holwin's prompts | Wu The Enlightened | 1 | Next to Holwin | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Holwin's prompts | Alan Harten | 1 | Next to Josin Faithbringer | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Josin Faithbringer's prompts | Deric Lennox | 1 | Next to Josin Faithbringer | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Josin Faithbringer's prompts | Clarisa Spiritsong | 1 | Next to Cilin Spellsinger | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Cilin Spellsinger's prompts | Denise Songweaver | 1 | Next to Cilin Spellsinger | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Cilin Spellsinger's prompts | Gina MacStargan | 1 | Next to Medicine Man Veetra | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Medicine Man Veetra's prompts | Ooga | 1 | Next to Medicine Man Veetra | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Medicine Man Veetra's prompts | Relinin Skyrunner | 1 | Next to Ranger Spirit | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Ranger Spirit's prompts | Gordon Treecaller | 1 | Next to Ranger Spirit | No | ?? | ?? | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Follow Ranger Spirit's prompts | Master of Elements | 1 | Center of back room | No | ?? | ?? | 63 | ?? | ?? | ?? | Say to Kihun Solstin "I want to see the Master" | |
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Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
Peaceful, tiny island, rarely visited. Originally a one-way trip from Island #1, this island had a telepad installed around 2003 which leads to Island #2. Thus, because it can be done between islands #1 and #2 (but is not required) it is given #1.5.
There are few reasons to visit this island. The first is for monks to kill Gwan for their epic. Another is to kill Noble Dojorn, which is the first mob kill necessary for spawning the Hand of Veeshan. Finally, some people visit just to kill the mobs for a sake of completeness.
An interesting note -- All accessable islands, from 1 through 8, have an increasing "Z value", except this one. The Z coordinate of this island (Z= -14) falls between those of islands 3 (Z= -120) and 4 (Z= +125), even though it falls between islands 1 and 2 in "Key progression". Whether or not this is relevant has not been determined.
Just Passing Through
As the mobs aren't aggressive, you may simply use your key to telepad to Island #2. (Of course if that's the case, you should've just gone to #2 from #1 directly without coming here.) However, since the mobs on Island 2 are aggressive, it's best to go invisible first if telepadding to Island #2.
Farming Keys
No "Key Loot Mobs" are found on this island. The key from island #1.5 to #2 is the same as from #1 to #2 and is only acquired on island #1. Thus if you've come here without the key to #2, you're stuck.
Aside from "a presence", the other mobs on this island will assist one another in a fight, and since the island is very small, it's impossible to pull a mob without aggroing the other mobs. Pull with caution and be prepared with crowd control.
Although it seems safe, do NOT fight inside the windmill. The Blade Storms will attack through the walls but you'll be unable to hit them.[Confirmed 5/28/2006] Best to fight them outside the windmill on the ledge surrounding it.
Hand of Veeshan cycle
This island is step 1 of 3 in this cycle. Step 1 is killing Noble Dojorn on this island (who is on a 7 day respawn cycle) which causes the Overseer of Air to spawn on Island 4. Killing the Overseer of Air on Island 4 will cause the Hand of Veeshan to spawn on Island 8.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a blade storm | 2 | Roving (See Map) | No | Yes | No | 59-60 (63?) | 20,000 | 325 (247 confirmed) | proc STA sap; Enrage at end of fight | ?? | No | No | a presence | 1 | Static (See Map) | No | No | No | 55? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | No | The Storm Mistress | 1 | Static (See Map) | No | Yes | No | 55 | ~17,000 | unknown (48 confirmed) | ?? | ?? | No | No | The Storm Mistress Pet | 1 | Static (See Map) | No | Yes | No | 41 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | No | Noble Dojorn | 1 | Static (See Map) | No | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 300 | AoE DD; proc DD | 1 week | No | No | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Gwan | 1 | Near "a presence" | No | No | ?? | 57 | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | Spawn: Hand the Charred Scale (drop from Eejag in Lavastorm Mountains) to "a presence" to spawn Gwan. | |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
DANGER! Nine aggressive mobs are on the island, but no longer aggro the point where you arrive [Confirmed 5/28/2006]. They don't see through invisibility though, so rushing through this island if you're already keyed will be easy. The Boss mob is not up though, so if you're farming keys, you'll need to spawn him by killing his placeholder. clearing the islands.[Confirmed 5/28/2006]
Just Passing Through
As the mobs don't see through inviso, just go inviso before arriving, run to the pad and click your way to Island #3.
Farming Keys
The key loot of interest is called "a broken mirror" and drops 1-3 at a time off of each of "an azarack" and 4 at a time off of the boss mob "Protector of Sky". As such, 13-31 total keys may be gotten from this island. The Protector of Sky used to have a placeholder, but appears no longer to have one. As of May 2006, the only way to spawn the Protector of Sky has been to clear the island of all 9 azaracks. Also, because the mobs do not path close to the arrival point, and because they have a very small assist radius, it has become quite easy to pick them off, one at a time. Because the Protector of Sky appears to no longer have a placeholder, it doesn't seem that aggroing Sirran will be an issue. However, if this information is incorrect, remember to make sure that When the Protector of Sky spawns do NOT kill him until all other "an azarack" are dead! Failure to comply with this will mean Sirran will spawn and assist any living "an azarack" and most likely kill your entire raid! However, as mentioned, this seems no longer to be an issue.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | an azarack | 9 | Roving | Yes | Yes (small radius) | No | 53 | 12,000 | 220 | proc Whirlbolt (Levitate, Root, 400 DoT) | ?? | No | Yes (1-3) | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Anything on Island 4 | 1 | From Island 4 | Yes | Yes | No | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | By having a puller gain aggro on Island 4 and jump down to Island 2. | Anything on Island 7 | 1 | From Island 7 | Yes | Yes | No | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | By having a puller gain aggro on Island 7 and jump down to Island 2. | The Spiroc Lord | 1 | From Island 5 | Yes | Yes | No | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | This may be due just to Azarack pathing issues in 2006. | Protector of Sky | 1 | On top of his placeholder | Yes | Yes | ?? | 55 | ?? | 290 | Whirlbolt (Levitate, Root, DoT 400/tick) | Yes (4) | Clear the island of all 9 "an azarack". (Used to be "Kill his placeholder.", but as of May 2006, seems no longer to have a specific placeholder) | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 2 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "Protector of Sky" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "Protector of Sky" | Aggro:
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Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
Safe, but scary looking. Pass through or stay and fight. Mobs galore, some roving, some invisible (be prepared!), and the boss is here but not re-spawnable without waiting 3 hours. Also, you can get the boss irritated enough to attack you if you talk to him long enough (see "Relevant Conversations", below).
Just Passing Through
As the mobs are non-aggro, and the mobs on the next island are also non-aggro, you can simply pass through without care.
Farming Keys
The size of the island allows for a safe one-mob-at-a-time farming of keys. Gather your party at the South tip of the island and have your main tank pull the mobs one at a time. Make sure the main tank has See Invisible so that he/she doesn't pull one mob while standing near another invisible mob that will add.
Every mob, except the shimmering meteors and pets, will drop key loot. Once your raid has enough key loot, pull the boss mob (Gorgalosk) from the temple.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a crystalline cloud | 3 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 53 | 18,000 | 245 | ?? | ?? | No | Yes(1) | a gust of wind | 2 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 53 | 18,000 | 200 | Stun | ?? | No | Yes(1) | a shimmering meteor | 5 | Static above temple | No | No | No | 55 | 32,000 | 325 | Knockback | ?? | No | No | an avenging gazer | 1 | Inside Temple | No | Yes | No | 59 | 25,000 | 375 | Spells: Beholder Dispell (AoE); Elnerick's Entombment of Ice; Invert Gravity (AoE); Immobilize; Mana Sink; Draught of Fire; Draught of Ice; | ?? | No | Yes(1) | heart harpie | 1 | Inside Temple | No | Yes | No | 58 | 29,000 | 375 | Harm Touch (5 min timer); Screaming Terror (18 sec mez); Cascading Darkness (slow/DoT) | ?? | No | Yes(1) | heart harpie pet | 1 | Inside Temple | No | Yes | No | 46 | ?? | 26 | ?? | ?? | No | No | a watchful guard | 5 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 55-56 | 22,000 | 298? | Spells: Aanya's Quickening (self); Mana Sink; Beholder Dispell (AoE); Wind of Tashani; Gravity Flux | ?? | No | Yes(1) | a watchful guard pet | 5 | Roving (with "a watchful guard") | No | Yes | No | 46 | ?? | 55 | "Fantastic Pet Death" | ?? | No | No | a spirited harpie | 4 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 54-56 | 21,000 | 298 | Harm Touch (5 min timer); Screaming Terror (18 sec mez); Cascading Darkness (slow/DoT) | ?? | No | Yes(1) | a spirited harpie pet | 4 | Roving (with "a spirited harpy") | No | Yes | No | 40 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | No | a gorgalask | 4 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 54-56 | 23,000 | 302 | Stun; Enrage | ?? | No | Yes(1) | Gorgalosk | 1 | Inside Temple | No | Yes | No | 60 | 29,000 | 375 | Stun; Enrage | ?? | Yes, see below. | Yes(4) | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Anything on Island 1.5 | 1 | From Island 1.5 | Yes | Yes | No | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | By attacking any of the flying mobs on this island that happen to stray too close to island 1.5. | Anything on Island 4 | 1 | From Island 4 | Yes | Yes | No | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | By having a puller gain aggro on Island 4 and jump down to Island 3. | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 3 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "Gorgalosk" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "Gorgalosk" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Gkzzallk | 1 | Inside Temple | No | No | No | 55 | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | By giving 10gp to "a thunder spirit princess" on Island 1. | |
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For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
You say, 'Hail, Gorgalosk'
Gorgalosk says 'Greetings, Drexxell. This is my domain and I hope you have a peaceful stay. That is, unless the [lunatic sent you].'
You say, 'The lunatic sent me'
Gorgalosk says 'Oh, I see. I suppose you [want these cursed markers] that lunatic made me hold?'
You say, 'I want the cursed markers'
Gorgalosk says 'I am afraid that I can not just give them away. The lunatic had them cursed. They make me do [strange things].'
You say, 'What strange things?'
Gorgalosk says 'Like ATTACK you!'
a watchful guard says 'Oh! You're in big trouble now! We don't like intruders trying to kill us! Time for you to die, Drexxell!'
heart harpie says 'How dare you, Drexxell! You attack us after we allow you to enter our domain in peace? Time for you to die, Drexxell!'
(all 3 attack immediately)
Non-aggressive mobs, pegasi and griffons. Arrive and feel safe, for now.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the first island where you will encounter CAZIC TOUCH (aka "Death Touch, aka "DT"). Cazic-Touch is a non-resistable (goes through Harmshield and Divine Aura even) 100,000 hp attack. Every mob which uses Cazic Touch in Plane of Sky does so as its first move against any attacker. It will then re-use Cazic Touch every 45 seconds. Be prepared for your puller to die instantly when facing any mob with Cazic Touch. Thankfully, on this island, only the Boss Mob (Keeper of Souls) uses Cazic Touch.
Just Passing Through
As the mobs aren't aggressive, you can just move to the telepad and get ready for Island 5. Since the mobs on Island 5 are aggressive, but do not see through inviso, it's wisest to go invisible on this island before telepadding on to island 5.
Farming Keys
The key loot of interest is called a "Bird Whistle" and drops 4 at a time off of the initial 6 unnamed mobs (3 x "a soul carrier" and 3 x "an essence harvester"). As such, 24 total keys may be gotten from this island. However, this is the first island where you'll encounter SPLIT MOBS. That is, when each mob dies, they will "split" and spawn 1 or 2 more mobs, which are aggressive and ready to fight. Each of the 6 initial unnamed mobs will split into 2 new mobs when they die. When those "2nd level" mobs die, they will spawn 1 more mob each. See the Island 4 map, below, for more detail.
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The named mobs do not do this splitting thing, thankfully.
Hand of Veeshan cycle & Multiple Overseers of Air
This island is step 2 of 3 in this cycle. Step 1 was killing Noble Dojorn on Island 1.5 (who is on a 7 day respawn cycle) which caused the Overseer of Air to spawn on this island. Killing the Overseer of Air on this island will cause the Hand of Veeshan to spawn on Island 8.
Note that multiple Overseers of Air can be up at once (due to people killing Noble Dojorn without killing the Overseer, who apparantly has no de-spawn timer). [Confirmed 5/28/2006]. During one visit we had 7 Overseers on track, though visually only two appeared to be at the windmill. Although right on top of one another, they did not appear to assist one another. Our puller took a Death Touch, and then our Main Assist pulled that same mob out and away from the windmill to fight, without any of the other Overseers joining. After one kill, the Hand of Veeshan was confirmed as spawned, and we left the other Overseers (1 or 6, who knows) at the windmill entrance.
Spawning the Boss Mob (Keeper of Souls) and the (lack of a) relationship to Ekim Nottap
Because the Boss (Keeper of Souls) is not up when you arrive, you'll need to spawn him. This is fairly straightforward. When any of the three "a soul carrier" or any of the three "an essence harvester" are killed, this will do 2 things. First off, it will start a timer (exact time unknown, but confirmed as low as 65 minutes [Confirmed 5/28/2006]) which, when time is up, will spawn the Keeper of Souls.
The 2nd thing that the kill will do is immediatelyspawn a mob known as Ekim Nottap. It is now known to be a FALSE RUMOR that this mob has anything to do with the Keeper of Souls. It is now a confirmed FALSE RUMOR that Ekim Nottap de-spawning causes the Keeper of Souls to spawn.
The truth is that Ekim Nottap continues to be on track even after the Keeper of Souls spawns.[Confirmed 5/28/2006].
More on Ekim Nottap
Careful use of a ranger's tracking skills (Thanks Kilolas!) have concluded that if one stands at the very south tip of Island 4, that Ekim Nottap is south and slightly west of that point at about the same distance as Eye of Veeshan (on Island 8). That should put him most likely right around Azarack island (2) or possibly the NW corner of Drake island (7). However, during the time that Ekim Nottap was up and on track and not moving [Confirmed 5/28/2006] I personally went to island 7, and then jumped down to island 2, but never saw him (even with See Inviso), nor did an "F8" check (looking all around) yield any mobs whatsoever. While I was on Azarack, my tracker confirmed that Ekim Nottap was at the same distance and direction as I was, but I never saw him. As such, Ekim Nottap's exact LOC and what he looks like remain a mystery.
Ekim Nottap de-spawned much later than when the Keeper of Souls spawned, confirming no correlation between these two events. The exact time of Ekim Nottap's de-spawning isn't known, but he was up at 86 minutes after spawning (well past the spawning of Keeper of Souls), but was gone at 147 minutes. We didn't check for Ekim Nottap between 86 and 147 minutes.
Click on the image below to see a map that helps locate Ekim Nottap's most likely location.
(Click to enlarge)
Pull-Jumping to start the timer early
On May 28, 2006 for the first time, I attempted and successfully executed a pull-jump from 4 down to 3, in order to begin the KoS timer as early in the raid as possible. This required a few elements to pull off:
With all of these elements in place, I pulled an essence harvester, got no adds, jumped from 4 to 3 and after dispatching this mob (and its 4 spawns), we proceeded to clear island 3 (thus killing time on the Keeper of Souls spawn timer). By the time we got done with 3, and up to 4 and began clearing, the Keeper of Souls appeared just as we were pulling the final of the 6 original spawn-split mobs.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a soul carrier | 3 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 52 | ?? | 200 | Whirl until you Hurl | ?? | No | Yes(4) | an essence harvester | 3 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 52 | ?? | 200 | Whirl until you Hurl | ?? | No | Yes(4) | Eternal Spirit | 1 | Roving | No | Yes? | No | 55 | ?? | 190 | Whirl until you Hurl | ?? | No | No | The Gale Caller | 1 | Roving | No | Yes? | No | 55 | ?? | 123 (probably more?) | Wind of Tashani | ?? | No | No | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | an essence carrier | 6 | 2 at a time on the corpse of "a soul carrier" | Yes | Yes | No | 54 | ?? | 290 | None (Whirl until you Hurl?) | No | By killing "a soul carrier" | an essence tamer | 6 | 1 at a time on the corpse of "an essence carrier" | Yes | Yes | No | 56 | ?? | 320 | Enrage; (Whirl until you Hurl?) | No | By killing "an essence carrier" | a soul harvester | 6 | 2 at a time on the corpse of "an essence harvester" | Yes | Yes | No | 55 | ?? | 290 | None (Whirl until you Hurl?) | No | By killing "an essence harvester" | a soul tamer | 6 | 1 at a time on the corpse of "a soul harvester" | Yes | Yes | No | 56 | ?? | 320 | Enrage; (Whirl until you Hurl?) | No | By killing "a soul harvester" | Ekim Nottap | 1 | Unknown, but tracking has shown him somewhere in the vicinity of Island #2, though a trip there while he was up yielded nothing.[Confirmed 5/28/2006] | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | No | By killing one of the first 6 unnamed mobs on the island. | Keeper of Souls | 1 | Middle of the Island somewhere | Yes | Yes | No | 60 | ~32,000 | 325(400?) | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)Enrage; (Whirl until you Hurl?)No | By waiting for Ekim Nottap to de-spawn (which takes about 60-80 minutes) | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 4 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "Keeper of Souls" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "Keeper of Souls" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
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Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Responds to Hails? | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Overseer of Air | 1 | Doorway of Windmill | No | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 750 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)AoE DD; proc DDYes, see below. | No | By killing "Noble Dojorn" on island 1.5, the Overseer of Air will spawn on Island 4. | Inte Akera | 1 | Inside Windmill | Only to evils | ?? | ?? | 53 | ?? | ?? | ?? | unknown | No | By giving 500 pp to Dirkog Steelhand in Quest Room #1a and Inte Akera will spawn. Note that it's almost impossible to do the 500 pp turn in, jump down out of Sky, get back up and get to Island 4 before Inte Akera despawns, so this should really be a team effort. | |
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For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
DANGEROUS! You arrive within sight of some highly aggressive, large-aggro-range mobs, most of whom are running about (always in pre-set paths). ALWAYS ARRIVE INVISIBLY AND GET TO THE SW CORNER OF THE ISLAND IMMEDIATELY. (SEE MAP)
IMPORTANT: The spot marked "pull to here" is a safe spot to stand, visible, without drawing aggro.
The mobs on Spiroc Island follow a special pattern of almost immediately re-spawning upon their deaths. The following three rules have been confirmed as always applying:
Just Passing Through
The mobs are aggressive, but do not see invisible. You can just run invisibly to the telepad and click through to island #6. Stay invisible, as Island 6 is also a dangerous island. Although the Boss of this island (The Spiroc Lord) stands right at the telepad to Island 7, don't worry...he doesn't see invisible.
Farming Keys
The key loot of interest is called a "Noise Maker" and drops 8 at a time off of the three "a spiroc vanquisher". As such, 24 total keys may be gotten from this island. There have been RUMORS galore regarding how the initial pull goes. Rumors of mobs "tied to" other mobs abound. Perhaps the "tied to" portion really only applies to the re-spawn rule and not necessarily to what gets pulled. In fact, evidence in the field indicates that the more likely answer to "how many mobs will I get on my first pull" is impossible to predict. It seems (my theory only) that the mobs simply have a decent sized aggro range, path all over one another (see Map for details), and therefore pulling one mob will always get you at least 5 mobs, possibly as many as 9. You don't need to invoke "mobs tied to each other" to explain a multi-mob pull. Aggro range alone explains it.
Using the 3 re-spawn rules listed above, notice that only the Spiroc Vanquishers do not have a "re-spawn upon their death" potential. And, of course, it is the Vanquishers that hold the Key Loot of a Noise Maker. As such, the number of keys this island can yield will be limited (which is like any other island). Farming keys is therefore done by simply pulling the 6 trash mobs and 3 vanquishers, preferably in small bursts, though the initial pull will almost always yield 5-9 mobs. It is sometimes preferred, though not necessarily required, that someone like a Bard or Enchanter be assigned to the Spiroc Lord to keep him from aggroing until the intial 6 trash mobs and 3 Vanquishers are dead.
Farming the Boss
Unlike most other islands in Plane of Sky, this one allows for a fast, repetitive killing of the Boss. This is nice, as the Warrior epic (for example) requires an uncommon drop from the Boss, so one can "farm the Boss" here. Using the 3 re-spawn rules listed above, the method goes like this:
Of the above choices, only #1 is remotely safe. The others carry an emormous amount of risk. Nobody loves waiting 20 minutes for Sirran to de-spawn, but it's better than the alternatives. Note also that this "farming of the boss" only works if you've kept The Spiroc Guardian alive and well so that The Spiroc Lord will continue to re-spawn.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a spiroc arbiter | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc banisher | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc caller | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc expulser | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc revolter | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc walker | 1 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | ?? | No | No | a spiroc vanquisher | 3 | Roving | Yes | Yes | No | 53? 58? | 23,000 | 200 | Summons; Spells? | ?? | No | Yes(8) | The Spiroc Guardian | 1 | -870, +769 | Yes | Yes | No | 60 | 23,000? | 250 | Self Heal | ?? | No | No | The Spiroc Guardian Pet | 1 | -870, +769 | Yes | Yes | No | ?? | ?? | 25 | "Fantastic Pet Death" | ?? | No | No | The Spiroc Lord | 1 | -245, +760 | Yes | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 350 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)?? | No | Yes (4)???? Seems wrong...his re-spawnability would mean infinite keys available on this island | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | a spiroc arbiter | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc arbiter" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | a spiroc banisher | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc banisher" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | a spiroc caller | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc caller" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | a spiroc expulser | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc expulser" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | a spiroc revolter | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc revolter" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | a spiroc walker | 1 | On original path | Yes | Yes | No | 52 | 23,000 | 200 | Spells? | No | By killing "a spiroc walker" while either one specific or any one (unchecked) "a spiroc vanquisher" is alive. | The Spiroc Guardian | 1 | -870, +769 | Yes | Yes | No | 60 | 23,000? | 250 | Self Heal | No | By killing "The Spiroc Guardian" while ANY "a spiroc vanquisher" lives. | The Spiroc Guardian Pet | 1 | -870, +769 | Yes | Yes | No | ?? | ?? | 25 | "Fantastic Pet Death" | No | By allowing "The Spiroc Guardian" to cast his pet spell. | The Spiroc Lord | 1 | -245, +760 | Yes | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 350 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)No | By killing "The Spiroc Lord" while "The Spiroc Guardian" lives. | Anything on Island 6 | 1 | From Island 6 | Yes | Yes | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Depends | Not for this island | By having a puller gain aggro on Island 6 and jump down to Island 5. | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 5 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "The Spiroc Lord" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "The Spiroc Lord" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
DANGEROUS! You arrive within sight of 3 highly aggressive, large-aggro-range mobs, all of whom split-spawn if you manage to kill one. ALWAYS ARRIVE INVISIBLY AND GET SOUTH OF THE GEAR IMMEDIATELY.
IMPORTANT: The large gear embedded in the ground on this island provides sufficient cover for you to be visible and not gain aggro from mobs on the other side of the gear.
Just Passing Through
The mobs are aggressive, but do not see invisible. You can just run invisibly to the telepad and click through to island #7, but if you are not keyed from 7 to 8 you will be stuck on island 7, unable to get the key on 7 to go on to 8. The reason is that the BOSS of island #7 (Sister of the Spire) can only be spawned by talking to the version of Sirran the Lunatic which spawns on island #6 (this island). As such, if you're looking to get keyed from island 7 to island 8, you begin that process here on island #6.
Farming Keys
The key loot of interest is called a "Dull Dragon Scale" and drops 8 at a time off of the three "Bzzazzt" and 2 at a time off of the boss mob Bazzt Zzzt. As such, 26 total keys may be gotten from this island. The aggro range of each Bzzazzt is huge. The 3 wasps will assist each other unless some form of crowd control is used. Each of the original 3 wasps (Bzzazzt) drop the Key Loot, but they also split-spawn when killed (see map for details). Because none of the other mobs in the split-spawn chain (except the Boss "Bazzt Zzzt") hold key loot, and because this fight will often wipe a raid or last so long that the initial mob corpses rot, it is IMPERATIVE THAT THOSE NEEDING KEYS TO ISLAND 7 LOOT IMMEDIATELY UPON THE DEATH OF THE INITIAL WASPS, "BZZAZZT"!
The most successful method of farming keys on Island 6 has been through a three tank method. This method works as follows -- First, assign a SECOND and THIRD tank, of at least 60th level, preferably higher. Also assign a healer to the SECOND tank and assign a healer to the THIRD tank. Then, with most adventurers hiding behind the gear, the MAIN tank peeks his/her head around to be able to see each of the 3 initial wasps. Now, the MT targets Bzzazzt #3 (see map). Then the SECOND TANK does a /assist on the MAIN tank so that they are targeting Bzzazzt #3. The MT then targets Bzzazzt #2 (see map). The THIRD TANK then does a /assist on the Main Tank so that they are targetting Bzzazzt #2. The main tank then targets Bzzazzt #1. At a designated signal, all three tanks engage their targets. The SECOND and THIRD tanks do NOT kill their targets. Their job is strictly to engage and keep them busy. The MAIN tank pulls Bzzazzt #1 back to the rest of the raid for killing (which then sets up the Bazzzazzt x 2 spawn, followed by the Bizazzt spawns.) Once all of these mobs are dead, then the SECOND tank brings their Bzzazzt back to the raid for killing (setting up the Bazzzazzt x 3 spawn). Once these mobs are dead, the THIRD tank brings their Bzzazzt back to the raid, setting up the Bazzzazzt x 1 spawn, then the Bzzzt spawn, and finally the Bazzt Zzzt (BOSS) spawn.
If your tanks accidentally bring back Bzzazzt #3 (you'll know, because when it dies, you'll have only ONE Bazzzazzt spawn), then that tank drags the Bazzzazzt away from the raid to "keep it busy" while the other tanks, one at a time, bring the non-boss-spawning Bzzazzts back to the raid.
It should be noted that the Leadership AA "Mark" is a useful tool here, to number the mobs for clarification.
Don't forget to loot the Dull Dragon Scale from Bzzazzt immediately upon their deaths.
The following information shows you the breakdown of the mobs on this island. The Boss mob is shown in bold.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | Bzzazzt (#1) | 1 | Static (see map) | Yes | Yes | No | 50 | 19,000 | 390 | Poison (100 DD) | 8-12 hours | No | Yes(8) | Bzzazzt (#2) | 1 | Static (see map) | Yes | Yes | No | 50 | 19,000 | 390 | Poison (100 DD) | 8-12 hours | No | Yes(8) | Bzzazzt (#3) | 1 | Static (see map) | Yes | Yes | No | 50 | 19,000 | 390 | Poison (100 DD) | 8-12 hours | No | Yes(8) | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Bazzzazzt (#1) | 2 | 2 at a time on the corpse of "Bzzazzt (#1)" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 55 | ?? | 520 | Enrage; Summon?; Spells? | No | By killing "Bzzazzt (#1)" | Bazzzazzt (#2) | 3 | 3 at a time on the corpse of "Bzzazzt (#2)" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 55 | ?? | 520 | Enrage; Summon?; Spells? | No | By killing "Bzzazzt (#2)" | Bazzzazzt (#3) | 1 | 1 at a time on the corpse of "Bzzazzt (#3)" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 55 | ?? | 520 | Enrage; Summon?; Spells? | No | By killing "Bzzazzt (#3)" | Bizazzt | 2 | 1 at a time on the corpse of "Bazzzazzt (#1)" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 57 | ?? | 600 (700?) | Enrage; Summon; Spells: Deadly Poison (100 hp flesh rot) | No | By killing "Bazzzazzt (#1)" | Bzzzt | 1 | On the corpse of "Bazzzazzt (#3)" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 60 | ?? | 700 | Enrage; Summon; Spells? | No | By killing "Bazzzazzt (#3)" | Bazzt Zzzt | 1 | On the corpse of "Bzzzt" | Yes | Yes | ?? | 63 | ?? | 850 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)Enrage; Rotting Flesh (100 hp AoE); SummonsYes (2) | By killing "Bzzzt" | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 6 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "Bazzt Zzzt" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "Bazzt Zzzt" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
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Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere? |
For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
The next-to-last island, and one that will see your raid taking a lot of Death Touches. There are only two aggressive mobs to worry about: Sister of the Spire (in the temple, small aggro range, and only if you've spawned her from Island 6) and The Hand of Veeshan (which is actually on Island #8, but whose aggro is so large that it extends over part of this Island. He will only be up if you've spawned him from Island #4). All other mobs on the island are non-aggressive. Stay away from the temple and the NE quarter of the island and you'll not have to worry about the 2 aggressive mobs. (See Map for details).
Just Passing Through
If you have the key to Island 8 (and congratulations if you do!), then you need to know if The Hand of Veeshan is up. If he is not up, just run to the NE corner of this island and telepad up to Island 8. Invisibility isn't necessary. If, however, The Hand of Veeshan is up, then you must decide if you're fighting him here (Island 7) or else on Island 8. If you plan to fight him on Island 8, then you'll need to go invisibly to the telepad (since the telepad to Island 8 lies within the aggro range of The Hand of Veeshan up on Island 8. Thus if you go visibly to the telepad, you might draw The Hand of Veeshan down to 7 while you're telepadding your way up to Island 8!). If you intend to draw the Hand of Veeshan down to Island 7, then just move to the NE corner of this island and wait for his attention!
Farming Keys
First off, if you didn't spawn Sister of the Spire (boss of this island) by going through the motions with Sirran on Island 6 (see Island 6 for details) then you're not going to be farming keys, just key loot. Sirran won't appear without killing the boss and if you didn't already spawn the boss before arriving, you're stuck.
Assuming, however, that you did spawn Sister of the Spire, then farming keys is relatively straightforward. The key loot of interest is called a "Replica of the Wyrm Queen" and drops 1 at a time off of the 15 drakes, 1 at a time off of the 7 sphinxes, and 2 at a time off Sister of the Spire. As such, 24 total keys may be gotten from this island. Begin with the drakes, but be prepared for some horrible pathing issues. The drakes disappear and re-appear horribly, making the fights a bit out of control, occasionally aggroing the Sphinxes! Take down the outermost drakes first, and move your way inwards carefully.
Once you've done the drakes, it's time for the sphinxes. The Sphinxes have Death Touch!!!. This is the first time that a non-Boss mob Death Touches in Plane of Sky. The aggro range of the Sphinxes is tiny, so you can single pull them. As long as you pull them directly away from the Temple you will not gain the aggro of Sister of the Spire either. Each sphinx yields one Replica of the Wyrm Queen.
After the sphinxes, you can ignore the Undine Spirits hiding in the temple attic (they don't yield any Key Loot). It's time for the Sister of the Spire. She also Death Touches every 45 seconds. She yields two Replica of the Wyrm Queen.
Farming the Boss
RUMOR: This is another island where the boss can be farmed. However it requires someone to remain behind on Island 6 (or to jump from 7 to 2 and run back up to 6) and re-speak the phrase "?llaw eht htiw eno I ma" to Sirran on Island 6 to re-spawn the Sister of the Spire. This strategy has not been confirmed (by me directly, but I have reliable reports of it being possible), and seems somehow odd because the death of the boss on Island 7 should spawn Sirran, which means there will be a Sirran on Island 6 and a Sirran on Island 7. Is this possible? Definitely requires testing.
A note about the Sphinx/Sister aggro relationship In one raid (5/28/2006) we went out of our way to leave ONE sphinx up (the one near the temple doorway, to the left as you face the Sister). We then pulled the Sister and fought her right outside the temple, very close to the last sphinx. The fight lasted for 2 minutes and 22 seconds. For the first 1 minute and 27 seconds, the sphinx simply sat there and did nothing. Then he deathtouched one member of the raid. In the flurry of battle it was not noticed that the sphinx had aggro'd. The Drakes on the island never aggro'd at all during the entire fight. Strangely, for the following 55 seconds the sphinx did not do anything aggressive to anyone (no attacking, no spells, and no more DTs, even though its timer had reset). When the Sister died, Sirran arrived and immediately attacked. It would seem that since the drakes hadn't aggro'd, it must have been the attack by the Sphinx that caused Sirran's anger. But why did the sphinx aggro? And why, if aggro'd, did it not continue to appear to be aggressive? All of this remains a bit confusing, but serves as a cautionary note that clearing all mobs before the boss is probably a good idea.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | a heartsbane drake | 5 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 56 | ?? | 387 (475?) | Summon; Spells | 24 hours | No | Yes(1) | a fatestealer drake | 5 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 58 | 17,000 | 249 (425?) | Summon; Spells | 24 hours | No | Yes(1) | a windrider drake | 5 | Roving | No | Yes | No | 60 | 20,000 | 466 (575?) | Summon; Spells | 24 hours | No | Yes(1) | a greater sphinx | 7 | Static around temple (see map) | No | Yes (miniscule radius) | No | 54 | 25,000 | 330 (375?) | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)24 hours | No | Yes(1) | a greater sphinx pet | 7 | Static around temple (see map) | No | Yes | No | 40 | ?? | 52 | "Fantastic Pet Death" | 24 hours | unknown | No | undine spirit | 8 | Static in attic of temple (see map) | No | Not to Sister, Sphinxes or Drakes. Untested on other Undines. | No | 53 | ?? | ?? | ?? | 24 hours? | No | No | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | The Hand of Veeshan (Only if he's up) | 1 | From Island #8 | Yes | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 500 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec); DD (500)No | Aggro: Just get within his aggro range, which is about the NE quarter of Island 7. This only applies if you (or someone else) have already SPAWNED him by killing the Overseer of Air on Island 4. | Sirran the Lunatic (Island 7 version) | 1 | Near corpse of "Sister of the Spire" | No | Yes | ?? | 65 | ?? | 2054 | ?? | No | Spawn: Kill "Sister of the Spire" | Aggro:He'll assist any mob currently aggressive toward you |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | Sister of the Spire | 1 | Inside Temple | Yes | Yes | No | 63 | ?? | 200 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)AoE Burn (interrupts spells); AoE "Entomb in Ice (1000 DD + stun); Enrage; SummonYes(2) | By saying "?llaw eht htiw eno I ma" to Sirran the Lunatic on Island 6. | |
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For conversations with Sirran, see above under "Sirran the Lunatic"
The final island! Congratulations if you've made it this far. Few people before you have done so. No more keys, no more Sirran. Just Veeshan's own special helpers to be killed. Be wary though! While Eye of Veeshan is always up and non-aggressive, the Hand of Veeshan is highly aggressive, though only up if he's been spawned by killing the Overseer of Air on Island 4.
No Hand is Up, just here to kill Eye
Simple enough, just go visibly to the telepad on Island 7, and gather your forces on Island 8. The view is magnificent, Eye of Veeshan is non-aggressive until attacked.
Hand is Up, gonna kill 'em both
Since both Eye and The Hand have Death Touch, it seems best if you could single pull them, and we confirmed that it's pretty easy. While clearing Island 7, our raid stepped around to the North side of the temple, and the Hand of Veeshan immediately aggro'd, Death Touched a party member, and brought himself down from Island 8 to Island 7. No sphinxes, drakes nor the Sister of the Spire assisted him. Easy as pie. Once he was dead we went back to clearing Island 7 before going up to 8.
Who is here when you arrive?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Re-spawn time | Responds to hails? | Key Loot? | Eye of Veeshan | 1 | In front of the Windmill | No | Yes? (untested) | No | 70? (63?) | 32,000 | 865 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)Summons?? | No | No | |
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Who can you spawn / aggro here without leaving this island? |
Who can you spawn here through actions elsewhere?Name | Number | Location | Aggressive? | Assist? | See Inviso? | Level | HP | Max Hit | Special Abilities | Key Loot? | How to spawn / aggro | The Hand of Veeshan | 1 | Temple Doorway | Yes | Yes | No | 63 | 32,000 | 500 | CAZIC TOUCH (every 45 sec)DD (500)No | Spawn: By killing "Overseer of Air" on island 4, The Hand of Veeshan will spawn on Island 8. | Aggro: Just get within his aggro range, which includes all of Island 8, the NE quarter of Island 7 and possibly even the SE quarter of Island 4 and the East half of Island 2. |
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To the left is a picture of our friend "The Hand of Veeshan" flying around his island. (See path information on map). | ![]() |
This blade is one of the items needed for Shadowknights to complete their epic. It is a rare drop off of any mob in Plane of Sky. However, if a mob with hands happens to be the one that has it, then their graphic will actually show it in their hands. The pic to the right is an example of spotting the Blade in a mobs hands. Note, however, that the Spiroc Lord can have a blade in his hands but it may be the Spiroc Wingblade (for the Warrior Epic) and not necessarily the Blade of Abrogation.
A: Maybe, maybe not. My experience with other "aggro and teleport away" scenarios (predominantly via a Druidic "Evac") would indicate that teleporting within the same zone as the aggro mob will not clear aggro. My only direct experience testing this was rushing across Azarack island while visible and telepadding away to Gorgalosk island. I don't know for sure if the Azaracks actually aggro'd on me though, or if I just got lucky. Either way, I was not followed to Gorgalolsk island. Further testing is warranted.
Rather than repeat information, I recommend this link:
The picture at right was taken on April 3, 2006. Why is The Spiroc Lord holding a staff? I had no raid force to take him down to find out, but best guess is that he's holding the "Spiroc Battle Staff" | ![]() |
The picture at right was taken on May 28, 2006. How about a 2-weaponed Spiroc Lord? We were just passing through, but best guess is he had the Spiroc Battle Staff and the Spiroc Wingblade both. | ![]() |